Thursday, April 30, 2009

So so tired

Still cant wear a bra strap over my rib resected shoulder.
Feeling so very tired all the time.
I can get my arn all the way up, but still feel like theres a knife in my back, numb armpit, and that severely punched in the arm feeling.
Today my neck is feeling kink once again also...not a good sign.
Did the dishes today though.
Waiting for that "getting my life back" thing to kick in....
Wondering how long this is going to take.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 14, better

I am very glad I stuck it out and switched pain meds yesterday.
Today is much better, not feeling jittery, emotional, confused, it was scary to feel like that.
I am in more pain on these lesser pain meds, but I'll live with it over that alternative of those crazy strong narcotics!
I am hating anything touching the back of may arm, it is numb/sensitive.
I can raise my arm 3/4 of the way up-it kills, and I feel a knife in my back, my breast hurts, my arm feels like I dont have complete control.
I can't keep it bent for long or it stiffens up, gotta move around.
but overall a better day. Daughter drove me to get was wierd to be out of the house after 2 weeks.
A nice sunny day though.
K, I'm tired, more tomorrow.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Post surgery-day 13

My stomach burns from the pain meds.
I've taken so much ibuprofen over the last few years, always with food and water...but this stuff is making my stomach hurt!
Plus the dreams every night are crazy-just bizarre.

I feel like I've been severely punched in the upper arm, the back of my upper arm is numbish. When I straighten my arm all the way I feel a sharp pulling sensation on the underside of my arm.
Under the incision (in my armpit) is swollen and ice feels really good-even though doc says to not put ice directly on the incision only above and below it.

I'm very tired.

The incision looks like its healing well.
I have armpit odor really bad.
Steri-strips still from last week.
I did shave...weird not being able to feel the razor scraping the hair away.
A sharp pain right next to my spine-upper back, probably from where the rib was removed.

The main reason for this surgical experiment was my 20 year recurring bout with neck pain.
On a positive note, my neck is good. No pain running up the neck into the ear-then again I'm on pretty strong pain meds.
Who knows?
That's the scoop on day 13.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Updates all-around

Howdy blogging friends!
A few quick updates...

I am doing well.
My life right now consists of:
1. Eating.
2. Sleeping.
3. Medicating(heavily).
4. Restrooming.
5. Start over with number one.

The surgery went well.
Rib is all gone now.
Doc says I have thick bones.
How many women use the excuse they are 'big boned' to carry a little extra weight, and now I can say that is actually the truth for me! Too funny.

Our dog Charly has been literally under my feet since I got home from the hospital.
She knows something is wrong with mom.
She thinks she's in charge of keeping an eye on me.
She's such an old lady.

Time to go back to my life list now...
Much thanks for all the prayers and well-wishes.
More later.